Select Base Directory+License File(s)


1. Select Base Directory

- When loading an instance of SSD5 for the very first time, the plugin window will be empty. You will need to select the "Base Directory" in order to link the library to the plugin. The Base Directory is your SSD5Library folder. 
- In order to select the "Base Directory", click "Settings" and navigate to your SSD5Library folder. 

IMPORTANT: The path must end in "/SSD5Library" as shown in the image above. Special characters and certain international symbols are not allowed. 
- Next, go to "Construct Kit" and click the Refresh button to populate the plugin library. 2.png

Q: What is the "Base Directory?
A: The Base Directory is your SSD5Library folder

Q: Where can I find my SSD5Library folder? 
A: The SSD5Library folder is created when using the Steven Slate Drums IM to install the SSD5 Library. The location is specified during the installation process. See "How to Install SSD5" for reference. 

Q: Can I move my SSD5Library folder? 
A: Yes, the library can be moved at the "Finder" or "File Explorer" level. Keep in mind you will need to re-select the Base Directory after moving it. 

2. Select License File

- In SSD5, license files are only used for expansion libraries (such as Terry Date, CLA, Blackbird, and David Bendeth). It is recommended to keep your license file in your SSD5Library folder with the rest of your library assets. 
- To select a License File for an expansion, go to "Settings" and click "Select License File". Navigate to the license file and click "open". Next go to "Construct Kit" and hit the Refresh button. 

Q: Where can I download my license file?
A: The license file can be downloaded from within your Slate User Account

Q: I don't own any expansions, do I need to select a license file in settings? 
A: No. License files are only for library expansions. Expansions are available for purchase on the following site: 

Q: What happens if I lose my license file?
A: Please contact support so we can refresh the license downloads available in your account. 

Q: Can I move my license? 
A: Yes, the license can be moved at the "Finder" or "File Explorer" level. Keep in mind you will need to re-select the License File after moving it. 

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