Trigger 2 1.1.2 Release Notes

Known Issues

[TR-001] - Trigger Mutes Audio On Track (Steinberg DAWs Only) [Cubase, Nuendo, etc)Fix for Windows users here: Trigger 2 1.1.3 Win Installer

[TR-002] - Input Monitoring is required to audition samples
[TR-003] - MIDI IN/OUT is inconsistent
[TR-004] - Trigger does not retain settings when making track inactive twice (Pro Tools) (Control+Command Click Only)
[TR-005] - Trigger crashes in Tracktion 5.4.2 during plugin instantiation
[TR-006] - Using Trigger with Eucon Support causes DAW to crash when Trigger 2 instance is inserted on a track.
[TR-007] - Trigger Causes Cubase 8 to crash when closing a session
[TR-008] - Issues with Channel Mute Automation


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