Supported Digital Audio Workstations

Full Support

We take care of being fully compatible with the following DAWs.

Mac (64-bit only) Windows (64-bit only)
Pro Tools 11 and later
Cubase 7 and later
Nuendo 7 and later
Logic Pro X
Reaper 5
Studio One 3 and later
Ableton Live 9 and later
Digital Performer 9
Maschine 2

Pro Tools 11 and later
Cubase 7 and later
Nuendo 7 and later
Reaper 5
Studio One 3 and later
Ableton Live 9 and later
Maschine 2
Cakewalk by Bandlab

Additional Notes

Steven Slate Drums plugins are not tested in the non-listed DAWs, but they could work. We cannot guarantee a solution for issues in unsupported DAWs.

Important Note for Studio One Artist Users: 3rd party VST integration is not supported in Studio One Artist version 1 or version 2. You must have registered and activated Studio One as the Producer or the Professional versions to have VST support with Studio One.

RTAS and 32bit Support? We can provide Legacy Installers for SSD4, and Trigger users who still have the old Trigger iLok license. (Older license is called "Trigger" instead of "Steven Slate Trigger 2". Users who do not have the old Trigger license WILL NOT be able to use the legacy installer, or obtain the older license as it is now discontinued). Please contact support if you have questions.   


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